AZoNetwork Media Kit 2024 Download Now

Mining Marketing

Everything you need to know about our Company

  • Total Annual Users




Global Coverage

Continent Total Visits
Americas 38.58%
Asia 26.24%
Europe 17.62%
Africa 11.07%
Oceania 6.56%

Mining Marketing Media Kit

Digital Marketing & Advertising Solutions for mining.
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Mining companies use a wide range of marketing strategies and tools to drive results. Strategic digital marketing is not only one of these, it is increasingly the preferred method of highlighting the quality of commodities, products and services in congested sectors. Strategic digital marketing is critical in such a congested sector. Industry giants like BHP and Rio Tinto retain an enormous share of the resources market, generating billions of dollars in revenue from an interconnected global buying chain. This isn’t simply a symptom of having a persistent customer base for iron ore, cobalt, copper, and so on. It is the result of informed marketing decisions.

AZoMining is the world’s leading mining information distributor. We create, curate, and distribute high-quality content to academics and mining professionals around the globe. Our goal is to connect mining companies with our dedicated readership, and to help convey their USPs in the best way possible.

Whether you are trying to reach clients in need of line drilling or rock splitting services, or you want to increase growth rates in a particular region, we can help you with a tailor-made mining marketing plan.

Visits sourced from Google Analytics, yearly average from Jan to Dec. Readership based on sample of subscribers.

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