Global Coverage

Continent | Total Visits |
Americas | 50.53% |
Asia | 22.42% |
Europe | 14.73% |
Africa | 5.86% |
Oceania | 6.40% |
AZoLifeSciences is an online content marketing platform which reaches scientists, laboratory professionals and researchers in the life science community. With a worldwide audience, AZoLifeSciences is regarded as one of the leading digital life science information distributors.
The global life science tools market size was calculated at US $92.2 billion in 2020 and is estimated to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 11.9% from 2021 - 2028. Life science microscopy device markets alone stand to reach over US $1.5 billion by 2026.
News-Medical and AZoLifeSciences create, curate, and distribute high-quality content to a dedicated readership comprised of academics, laboratory professionals, and BioTech specialists from around the globe.
A significant portion of our readers is based in key growth markets like Asia and North America, but our reach is truly global.
Visits sourced from Google Analytics Yearly average Jan to Dec Readership based on sample of subscribers.
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