AZoNetwork Media Kit 2024 Download Now

Content Distribution For Science

We work with you to repurpose and repackage your existing content, application notes, white papers and more with our Content Distribution packages.

Educate, inform and attract your key audience. Remember, according to Google research, 57% of the buying decision is made before that prospect picks up the phone to call.

  • Expand the reach and quality of audience who are likely to be interested in your content
  • Provide educational, informative content that generates awareness
  • Provide detailed case studies for those prospects who are looking to buy and are seeking that confirmation your solution has worked in their application
  1. 1You choose your existing content (white papers, application notes, case studies etc.)
  2. 2We produce optimised articles from your content
  3. 3We publish on the AZoNetwork and to relevant social media sites
  4. 4AZoIntel measures who engages and interacts with each piece

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