AZoNetwork Media Kit 2024 Download Now


Price Sponsorship
(...) Headline
(...) Featured
Targeted Emails
(...) per Subscriber
subject to minimum spend of (...)
Content Distribution
Price Number of Articles
(...) Up to 10
(...) Up to 20
(...) Up to 30
(...) Up to 40
(...) Up to 50
(...) Up to 100
Content Creation
Price Content
(...) 800 Word Article
(...) 500 Word Blog
(...) Custom eBook
(...) eBook Production**
*Other Content Creation available on request
**Prices start from the indicated amounts
Insights from Industry
Price Interview Format
(...) Written
(...) Telephone
Thought Leaders
Price Interview Format
(...) Written
(...) Telephone
Product Profiles
Price Number of Profiles
(...) Up to 10
(...) Up to 20
(...) Up to 30
(...) Up to 40
(...) Up to 50
(...) Up to 100
Price Location
(...) U.K.
(...) Europe
(...) North America
(...) Rest of World
*Indicative pricing only, please contact us for a specific request
Expert Presentations On Demand
Price Extras
(...) -
(...) + Written Interview
(...) + Headline Newsletter Sponsorship
(...) + Written Interview and Headline Newsletter Sponsorship
Social Media Content
Price Number of Social Snippets
(...) 5
Price Extras
(...) 30 Minutes
(...) 30 Minutes + Newsletter Sponsorship
(...) 30 Minutes + Newsletter Sponsorship + Written Interview
(...) 60 Minutes
(...) 60 Minutes + Newsletter Sponsorship
(...) 60 Minutes + Newsletter Sponsorship + Written Interview
Price Quantity
(...) 1
(...) 3
(...) 5
(...) 10
Webinar Listings
Price Number of Listings
(...) Up to 10
(...) Up to 20
(...) Up to 30
(...) Up to 40
(...) Up to 50
(...) Up to 100
Display Advertising

Pricing is demand driven on a CPM basis.

Please contact us for available impressions on specific content targeting and geo-targeting options.

Price Period
(...) 3 Months
(...) 6 Months
(...) 12 Months
Web Design

Please contact us to discuss the scope of work.

Price No. of Tests
(...) 1 Test
(...) 3 Tests
(...) 5 Tests