There’s no denying that mobile use is on the rise. Mobiles are used for browsing, shopping, email, listening to music, watching video, reading books, navigation, chatting with groups of friends, banking, taking pictures, booking taxis... The list goes on.
The stress that people feel when they leave their smartphone behind is real, and as the line between work and life becomes increasingly blurred, more and more people are relying on mobile devices for everything from keeping in touch with family to completing complex financial transactions.
Google processes over 1.2 trillion searches per year... and 56% of that is Mobile
The B2B world is no different. Those who do not adapt get left behind, particularly in the world of Science and Industry. Google processes over 3.5 Billion searches a day which equates to more than 1.2 trillion per year.
If 56% of that traffic is from mobile devices, how much traffic are you missing out on?
Never has searching for a product, overview, application or process been easier. No matter how niche the subject area, odds are people are searching for it... and if you're not there, someone else will be.
Around 80% of Internet users own a smartphone.
Phones are no longer just for chatting. As each year passes, new and more powerful mobile devices are hitting the market, and that’s not a trend that’s likely to change. Mobile phones and tablets are quickly becoming the first tool that users turn to when they need information.
This means that marketers who aren’t optimizing their digital efforts with mobile use in mind are probably falling behind.
Video Killed the Radio Star… Did Mobile Kill Computers?
B2C companies, as ever, are leading the way. Making sure that websites are easily viewed on smartphones and tablets is a must for most retailers and service providers.
Enhancing the User Experience
Just think how easy it is to buy something online nowadays, companies are finding increasingly clever ways to enhance your user experience by helping you find what you need and parting with your cash: Amazon, the everything store has even patented "one click" purchasing which allows you to buy an item with one click of a button... so easy! So clever!
This reliance on mobile devices is becoming so widespread that users are no longer using them only to satisfy their personal needs. When a business purchase needs to be made, many buyers are turning to their smartphone or tablet.
B2B marketing is changing.
Think about how businesses marketed themselves to other businesses just 20 years ago. Flipping through phone books, Rolodexes and directory listings in preparation for cold calls and developing colorful brochures are not tasks that are topping the priority list of most modern marketers.
More than 12% of all eCommerce sales are B2B transactions.
Marketers understand that business buyers use the internet to research companies but not all of them are thinking about the devices that decision-makers are using to access the internet. Whilst computers have traditionally been the platform of choice, mobile devices are infiltrating every step of the buying cycle.
B2B buyers are researching on mobile and some are now buying through their smart devices as well.
This isn’t just happening out of the office. Mobile devices are becoming such a fact of life that nearly 50% of B2B buyers use them at work. There’s no competing with the convenience of mobile devices, so their use is more likely to grow than fade off. What are you doing to ensure that your organization is keeping up?
What about Social Media?
The mere mention of social media is enough to fill most marketers with dread. When it comes to strategy, where does one start? How does social media tie in to a mobile marketing strategy?
Almost 80% of social media time happens on mobile devices.
With even more potential customers using their mobile devices to access social media sites than conduct standard research, making sure pages and profiles are-up-to date and properly maintained is a must.
Shareability is a major theme when it comes to mobile social media marketing. If a company is seriously considering what you have to offer, they are likely to check out your social media profiles to see if you are posting content that is relevant to the scientific industry and tells your company’s story.
Keeping your social media profiles stocked with compelling photos, information and videos will keep visitors coming back and encourage them to visit your website. It’s also a good idea to track the analytics on your social media profiles to find out who's visiting and why. When you have access to this data, you can target your efforts to reach the buyers you are trying to reach.
The Mobile Experience is Different
Smaller screens, touch input, and portrait view are all part of the mobile experience that differ from computer use. Optimizing your website to meet the needs of mobile users may sound like a daunting task, but it isn’t as difficult as it may seem. It’s definitely worth the time as well. There is one key difference between mobile users and computer users.
Most computer users are creating while most mobile users are consuming.
Keep this in mind, and it will be easier to optimize your digital marketing platforms. If mobile users are doing all this research, they’ll need speed. Improving your page speed is a good idea. A lagging page is a time-killer and mobile users may not be willing to wait. There are also some additional best practices you should keep in mind when optimizing your site for mobile use:
- Remember that most cell phones use touch screens with tiny keyboards. Navigation needs to be simple.
- Images should be optimized for viewing on small, portrait screens.
- Avoid plugins or any programming that won’t be easily accessible from a mobile device.
The Challenge of Mobile Conversion
The call-to-action is a trademark of a marketer’s work, and yes, your CTA should differ when it comes to mobile marketing. A mobile-friendly CTA should be one click. And for scientific marketers that are selling products and services that may require extensive research before purchase, click to call, or even click for info. may be the best bet.
Attention and Engagement are the New Currency
If you want your mobile marketing strategy to be successful, you’ll need to gain attention, keep attention, and limit the amount of frustration that a visitor encounters (i.e. enhance the user experience).
Time is precious and sites need to be optimized. If your website is text-heavy, consider breaking it up by incorporating relevant pictures and infographics. This helps to break up your content and make it easier to consume, especially on a smaller screen.
Mobile video is now a thing.
Nothing captures and keeps attention like a well-made, interesting video. Just like optimizing your website for mobile use is a wise idea, so is optimizing your video. That means using players that make it easy for mobile users to load and watch videos and keeping in mind that tiny images and print overlay won’t be seen. Your video will also need to be heard, so making sure that it’s audible and doesn’t require a great deal of concentration to follow is also a good strategy. When your video concludes, your CTA will need to be large, clickable and easy to follow.
See, mobile marketing is easy, right? Well, maybe it is a little tricky, but luckily, there are plenty of tools available to marketers of all experience levels that will help them to optimize their digital content for mobile use. Keep in mind that mobile marketing may take a few extra steps: Contact us to keep those mobile users in mind and you’ll be well on your way to getting your company the attention it deserves.