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Marketing Science in Cambridge

Marketing Science in Cambridge

Marketing Science Roadshow in Cambridge

After the success of our first event, Wednesday 2nd May 2018 saw AZoNetwork take our Marketing Science roadshow down South. The venue for the night was the Bradfield Centre, based right in the heart of Cambridge Science Park, which is home to over 100 science and technology companies, many of which joined us for an evening of marketing science insights and techniques.

CEO Dr. Ian Birkby kicked off the roadshow by outlining the current complexity of the marketing sector, with over 5,800 tools and platforms at your disposal. At AZoNetwork our aim is to help you simplify this marketing landscape and ensure you’re getting the metrics you require.

State of Scientific Marketing Survey

Ian also introduced some of the results from our State of Scientific Marketing Survey, where we gathered responses from Sales & Marketing professionals within the science industry.

"Customer-centric application stories are becoming increasingly popular."

One of the most interesting results was what these professionals considered to be the best strategy for effective quality of lead generation. The top result was content marketing, chosen by 36.2% of those surveyed, followed by tradeshows (23.4%) and organic SEO (21.3%). The results provided food for thought as customer-centric application stories are becoming increasingly popular. The full survey results will be published shortly.

The dreaded GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) was the next topic on the agenda, and with well over half of our survey stating they were not yet GDPR compliant it was an important area to cover. GDPR is EU legislation coming in to effect on May 25th and aims to protect user's personally identifiable information (PID) from misuse.

To finish up, Ian presented a brief client case study where we shared the science behind the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance technique, specifically in cheese and wine profiling applications to help against counterfeit and imitation products.

Our Marketing Specialists

This lead nicely on to the introductions of our specialists in the areas of content, SEO, email marketing, video, and analytics.

The Specialists 2

What makes great content?

The bedrock to any good marketing campaign is the content, and Mychealla started by discussing what key components are required to make great content, including CTAs, titles, and content length.

Improving SEO

Dave Cockett took the stage, giving a brief introduction into ‘What is SEO’ and inviting the audience to visit his stand after the presentation for a free website SEO health check.

Data Visualisations

Next up, we presented the findings of our resident data wizard, Matt Rafferty who was on hand to discuss Data Visualizations and discovering insights from large data sets. Matt was the mastermind behind the State of Scientific Marketing survey which was presented earlier.

Effective Email Marketing

Torsten then went on to highlight the importance of effective email marketing in three key steps; strategy, segmentation, and design. He drew upon his experience of delivering our range of 100+ ultra-targeted newsletters every month across Science, Healthcare and Engineering.

Video Storytelling

Video was next on the agenda, and Chief Videographer Kris spoke about how we use videos to tell stories and the various types of video campaigns available.

Tracking the Customer Journey

Finally, we heard from Frank, who highlighted common issues with lead generation, brand awareness, and tracking the customer journey to provide ROI. He gave an insight into our analytics platform, AZoIntel and how it can now be integrated into multiple CRM systems for seamless web-to-lead-to-revenue analysis.

The Digital Marketing Specialists

Abcam Q&A

To round off proceedings Ian conducted a live Q&A with JT, the Head of Performance Marketing at Abcam, who have been an AZoNetwork client for the last year. JT explained some of the common marketing challenges she had and how working with AZoNetwork has helped to overcome some of those challenges.

Abcam Logo

Time to Learn More

Once the main presentations were over, guests were invited to enjoy a drink and a bite to eat while visiting the various stations set up where our specialists were explaining their area of expertise in more detail. This included live run-throughs of our analytics platform with Frank, further insights into what makes great content with Mychealla, and live SEO health checks with Dave.

Reserve your place at Alderley Park

Following great demand, our Marketing Science Roadshow will head to Alderley Park on 6th June 2018. If you’d like to register your interest please sign up here.

Why Attend?

The recent roadshow was very useful for learning about the latest techniques within digital marketing. I found the video storytelling and the pscychology behind email optimisation the most useful and will be applying those tactics to our strategy in the future.

Chris Townsend, Product Manager - Stryker UK

I spent a very informative afternoon at the Marketing Science roadshow which introduced the increasingly important aspects of digital marketing from content creation to understanding analytics.  The presentations were concise and gave insights that could easily be applied to my marketing activities.  It was encouraging to learn that even the simplest things can make a significant impact on how effective our sales and marketing activities are.

Adam Roberts, Marketing Manager - Kratos Analytical

Posted by Jess Maloney

Jess graduated with a BA (Hons) in Media and Journalism from Nottingham Trent University. It was here where she broadened her writing skills across a wide range of content, and Jess still enjoys writing in and out of work. Jess is a keen traveller, spending time in Brazil and Ghana over recent years, and she’d love to see more of the world. In her spare time, Jess enjoys shopping and going to gigs with friends.

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