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The People Behind the Products

Following on from my previous blog piece That Business Culture Thing – Does It Really Work? – We are taking a look at the people who really make our business what it is.

Running a digital business requires a lot of human capital with knowledgeable science writers, skilled videographers, developers, marketers and creative designers accounting for most of the cost base.

Why Manchester?

We chose to set up our UK operations in Manchester 7 years ago because it not only has access to a skilled workforce of 7 million+, but it also has a rich history of Science and Engineering innovation dating back to the Industrial Revolution.

History of Science & Engineering in Manchester - Infographic

Manchester played a pivotal role in the first industrial revolution with the construction of the Bridgewater Canal in the 1760s. Today, the city continues to thrive in science and technology, boasting institutions like the Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre and the Henry Royce Institute. Manchester's strong science pedigree, access to scientific talent, and a growing digital culture make it an ideal hub for our global business. Its central location also allows us to connect with the East Coast of the United States within 6 hours, making it a strategic choice. With a vibrant university ecosystem and a dynamic atmosphere, Manchester is the perfect place from which to grow.

Innovating the Value Proposition

Over the years we have had editors start their own video departments, marketers develop new product lines, sales people expand into SEO and web services, the culture of innovation and opportunity is clear to see throughout the business, but none of it would be possible without the people we have.

"20% is ability, the other 80% is about the attitude of the people"

Below we have highlighted a few recent stories and some of the #GreatWork of team members progressing and what that means for them in their careers.


When you started at AZoNetwork, what qualifications and experience did you have?

I have a BA degree in History and Sociology, a post-graduate diploma in Professional Communications, as well as being a certified ESL teacher. I spent several years working for a fintech company, first as an Account Manager and then in product marketing as a Project Manager. All of my experience in marketing, account management, and communications meant that when I stumbled on the role of Editorial Account Manager at AZoNetwork, I knew it was a perfect fit.  

What upskilling and training has AZoNetwork provided?

After getting hired, AZoNetwork provided really comprehensive on-the-job training to become familiar with the many products and solutions they provide. I’m now a manager and after my promotion, AZoNetwork provided external management training also.

Where do you want to continue training and moving with the company?

I’m currently looking into further management training using the training budget the company provides. I look forward to growing my team and all the experiences management has to offer.

How is your current role the right fit for you?

My current role is a great fit because it’s allowed me to take on more responsibility whilst working on new challenges. I love working with my team and communicating with clients.  


When I started my role as a News-Medical Editor at AZoNetwork, I had just graduated from University with a BSc in Biological Sciences with a Professional Training Year. During my sandwich year, I worked with the registered charity The Frozen Ark Project, based at the University of Nottingham. When I wasn’t in the lab, I helped the Frozen Ark Project with its public outreach activities, which led me to my first experiences with scientific editorial content. I gained editorial experience by commissioning an article on the project, as well as starting a podcast, Frozen Bytes.

Given my background in mainly Genetics and Evolution, stepping into the world of Medical science and, at that time, all things COVID-19 was daunting. To ensure I performed my role of proofing and editing articles as proficiently as possible, I completed an HMX Fundamentals Program from Harvard Medical School and earned a Certificate of Completion in Immunology.

I have also been able to learn about various aspects of the business from the knowledgeable and experienced people I am lucky to work alongside.

Science on Display Webinar: Why we started the Something About Science Podcast from AZoNetwork on Vimeo.

Even though I have learned a lot in my two years with AZoNetwork, there is still so much I want to learn! I hope to improve my current skillset, as well as gain new skills along the way. One particular highlight for me was planning, hosting and running our new podcast “Something About Science

My current role is the right fit for me because it allows me to approach my central passion, communicating science, in many different ways. Having a role that enables me to talk to others, whether clients or interviewees, who share this passion is a great privilege.

Articles from Danielle

Listen to the Something About Science podcast:

When I started, I only really had my degree in biochemistry and some work experience helping my Dad in chemical engineering and some charity work with the British council in Beijing. Not too much real-world experience so to speak.

Through AZoNetwork, I’ve had extensive training in Google Ads, Technical SEO and Google Analytics. This helped me make the transition within the company to an SEO from my previous Editorial role. I’m taking my HSK qualifications in Mandarin through AZo’s annual training budget.

Going forward, l’ll continue to refine my SEO skills while also learning more about how the increasing use of AI could affect SEO and search engine algorithms.

My current role uses my analytical and problem-solving skills well. It’s something that keeps me engaged and the ability to make an obvious and tangible difference is something that really appeals to me.

Ask about Google Ads

My qualifications and experience are primarily in marketing-related roles for international education, with a little dash of politics from time to time.

Since joining AZoNetwork, I have had the opportunity to upskill and receive training in various aspects of the business. This has given me the space to expand my skill set and take on new responsibilities. Notably, I was able to start the webinar business and introduce a new line item, thanks to the atmosphere of trust and support at AZoNetwork.

Moving forward, I want to expand the department and build a team to offer more substantial event support, AI powered real-time translations as well as other audiovisual products. This aligns with my passion for managing projects, innovating and collaborating with a diverse range of clients and colleagues.

My current role at AZoNetwork is a great fit for me because it not only allows me to leverage my existing marketing and management experience but also encourages me to explore new avenues and expand my expertise. Additionally, AZoNetwork's support has enabled me to work towards becoming a chartered marketer, further enhancing my qualifications and professional development.

View Danny’s Webinars


I began working at AZoNetwork as an Editor for News Medical after I had finished my BA degree in languages. Before joining the company in November 2021, I’d spent many of my summer vacations interning in the healthcare sector in anything and everything from marketing communications to product development to strategy and consulting. It was during these internships that I discovered my enthusiasm for science communication, and after landing the role of Editor for News Medical, everything fell into place from there.

As an Editor, one example of upskilling AZoNetwork has provided me with is formal Google Analytics training, so that I can better monitor site performance, identify trends, and use the feedback to improve our content for our readers.

AZoNetwork also provides us with annual training budgets, which I utilized last year by taking courses in Digital Marketing and Advertising. This year I am using my training budget to take Japanese language lessons, as well as to complete some beginner courses in UX.

In February 2023 I began training for my new role within the company, as I transitioned to the role of Editorial Account Manager. For this role change, AZoNetwork provided me with comprehensive in-house training and support, meaning I already feel fully confident in my abilities regarding my new position in the company. Looking to the future, I’m looking forward to meeting more of my clients face-to-face as I continue in my role as an Account Manager.

The role is a great fit for me as I enjoy working and communicating with many different clients from all over the world. Working in Account Management allows me to utilize both my editorial skillset gained from my time at News-Medical, as well as make a positive difference by keeping my clients happy and delivering the best results I can for them.

Articles from Aimee

Posted by Ian Birkby

Ian is a second time around entrepreneur, who founded Dynamic-Ceramic in 1992 and led the company through to a successful exit in 1997. AZoNetwork was established in 2000 in Sydney Australia. Ian has a first class honours degree in Engineering Metallurgy and Ph.D. in Engineering Ceramics and Tribology. Ian's a former member of the Institute of Materials, Materials Strategy Commission and the UK's Institute of Ceramics. He also served as Chairman of Medilink North West (a medical devices consortium) and is a former Director of the Australian Nano Business Forum. When not indulging in his passion for all things webby, techy and digital he can still be seen running around the soccer field trying desperately to emulate his Leeds United heroes from the 70's.

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