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How to reach a Lab Automation Audience with your content

Lab automation uses instrumentation to perform automated laboratory processes, requiring minimal human input. This growing industry is now made up of many technologies, using robotics, computers, and software.

As an innovation driver for research and development in chemistry and the neighboring scientific disciplines, lab automation serves application areas as diverse as pharmaceuticals, drug discovery, and food. The sheer range of companies within the life science sector opens vast opportunities to target potential customers.

Increasing efficiency and flexibility, minimizing costs, and saving precious time are essential for high-throughput laboratory work. Yet, as the marketplace becomes increasingly competitive, highlighting the benefits and USPs of your product or technology becomes more challenging. Content marketing for life sciences requires a strategy that simultaneously explains automation systems and helps potential customers understand how it will help them personally.

This blog will outline how to utilize life science content marketing to reach audiences using lab automation by ensuring each piece of content gets to the right people at the right point in their buying journey.

Take a look at our lab automation audience

Content marketing for a lab automation audience


Aim to educate your audience rather than just sell to them. As scientists and academics, your audience responds to facts, figures, and objective information rather than a persuasive oversell.

Our E-Book ‘The State of Scientific Purchasing 2022’ results suggest that manufacturer's websites influence 89% of respondents and that search engines influence 81%. These results highlight the importance of content marketing and the need to invest in creating the right content for its purpose.

Awareness content

Top of funnel content is your broadest content, intending to attract customers and gain brand awareness.

A good example of awareness content is an article discussing the benefits of your product in a more general sense. This AZoM article discusses how lab automation is rising and the transition to automated equipment in today’s clinical laboratory.

Awareness content article example

The draw of this article is not the products themselves but the application of automation across the chemistry field and what this signals for the future. Yet, the benefits of the machinery used are transparent and open a pathway of inquiry for companies whose work may benefit from a similar innovation, building trust in the products and services discussed.

Awareness content: Articles, news stories, explainer videos, blog posts, slide shares, infographics, market research.

Consideration content

You could lead the target audience, having engaged with the news article above, to look at the application notes addressing where the technology can be used.

This content differentiates the members of your audience who are potential customers and include multiple calls to action to capture the data of interested parties.

Again the content should be educational while application-specific. You are encouraging the progression to decision-making but not pushing with your marketing strategies.

Consideration content: Application notes, white papers, eBooks, how-to articles

Decision-making content

Your prospective buyer knows that your product can benefit them, but they still need that final push to make a purchasing decision.

Product profiles provide customers with the specifications and product features they need to understand before making their final decision. It is crucial at this step to ensure that your customer can find the content they need easily. Our tip is to embed videos and add links to your product profile to navigate the user to relevant case studies, interviews, and testimonials to stand out against other life science companies.

Decision-Making Content: Product profiles, customer testimonials, case studies, thought leadership interviews.

The key to content creation is to consider where your customer is in the buying journey and guide them through your content marketing strategy with relevant information to the point you want them to reach: Purchasing.

Life Sciences Marketing Resources

Check out our life science content to support your marketing efforts:

Posted by Rebecca Turpin

Manchester born Rebecca has a first class B.A.(Hons) in Photography from the University of Plymouth. Rebecca began her career in 2017 working as a sales and marketing assistant for a healthcare company before moving in to an agency position in 2018. She spent two years running a small agency in Salford until 2021, gaining marketing skills and invaluable experience working with clients before coming to AZoNetwork. Outside of marketing, Rebecca loves anything outdoors, the theatre and any creative activity that lets her be covered in paint.

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